A new trajectory that draws an arc. The amazing sidewalk bait "Killer Compass", which realizes an unconventional swim trajectory, has produced numerous achievements. A strategy that makes use of the characteristics of tracing the surface of the water in a large arc with a compass allows you to enter the depths of overhangs that could not be traced until now, as if you were swimming at your own will, as if you were glancing at the trunks of standing trees. Not only is it possible, but the new trajectory where the angler cannot be seen in the direction of the lure's line of sight allows even big bass, which is sensitive to people and boats, to strike without hesitation. In addition to the realistic silhouette and texture that can be mistaken for the real thing, the soft waves that perfectly play a scratched baitfish are also a great advantage. The "Killer Compass" is fun to operate, and at the same time, it will tell you that there are bass that can only be caught with it. LENGTH: 122mm Weight: 1.2oz class 2006.6 release. JOINT ACTION The joints covered with soft shell and the taut tail bend when subjected to water flow resistance, and restore with the elasticity of the shell. This action creates a kickback like kicking water to the rear of the body, creating a sidewalk unique to Killer Compass. FEATHER HOOK size#3 The feather hook, which camouflages the hook and imitates the fins, not only attracts bass by fluttering even in the slightest current, but also boasts a high hookup rate that even weak bites can be vacuumed from the hook. DEAD STICKING The floating posture set on the lower back realistically reproduces crucian carp and bluegill floating on the surface of the water with dead sticking. In addition to camouflaging the hook, the feathers that imitate the fins flutter even in the slightest current, attracting stubborn bass. SIDE WALKING If you raise the rod tip and make a jingling action, it will slide sideways as if it were splashing water with its tail. The figure that makes undertows and flutters on the surface of the water beautifully reproduces the damaged and weakened baitfish. In addition, the tall and flat body emits a gurgling predatory sound with a strong short jerk, leading the bass to predatory mode. WALL KNOCKING If you move it sideways toward a vertical structure such as a bedrock or revetment wall, it will contact the wall like a baitfish that pecks at food. Wall knocking, which uses the unique characteristics of the killer compass, keeps the bus tantalizing with a short travel distance. COMPASS WALK Even in trees with overhanging branches and deep overhangs, you can invade and capture tight as if you were swimming on your own will. In addition, even in situations where the bass is chasing away from the structure, the trace line that does not make you feel the angler's signs in the direction of travel makes it possible to relax your vigilance and bring it into the bite with a high probability. LINE EYE The line eye set on both the left and right sides of the body can instantly switch the direction of travel according to the situation by using snaps. The color of the posted image may look slightly different from the actual product depending on the shooting environment and the computer or mobile phone carrier you are viewing. Please note.

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Additional details
trajectorydrawsarcamazing sidewalk bait killer compassrealizesunconventional swim trajectoryproduced numerous achievementsstrategymakescharacteristicstracingsurfacewaterlarge arccompassenterdepthsoverhangstracedswimmingglancingtrunksstanding treesanglerdirectionlurelinesightbig basssensitivepeopleboatsstrikehesitationadditionrealistic silhouettetexturemistakenreal thingsoft wavesperfectly playscratched baitfishgreat advantagekiller compassfunoperatetimebasscaughtlength mm weight oz class release joint actionjoints coveredsoft shelltaut tail bendsubjectedwater flow resistancerestoreelasticityshellaction createskickbackkicking waterrearbody creatingsidewalk uniquekiller compass feather hook sizefeather hookcamouflageshookimitatesfinsattracts bassflutteringslightest currentboastshigh hookup rateweak bitesvacuumedhook dead stickingfloating posture setlower back realistically reproduces crucian carpbluegill floatingdead stickingcamouflagingfeathersimitatefins flutterslightest current attracting stubborn bass side walkingraiserod tipmakejingling actionslide sidewayssplashing watertailfiguremakes undertowsflutterswater beautifully reproducesdamagedweakened baitfishtallflat body emitsgurgling predatory soundstrong short jerk leadingpredatory mode wall knockingmovesidewaysvertical structurebedrockrevetment wallcontactwallbaitfishpecksfood wall knockingunique characteristicsbus tantalizingshort travel distance compass walktreesoverhanging branchesdeep overhangsinvadecapture tightsituationschasingstructuretrace linefeelsignstravel makesrelaxvigilancebringbitehigh probability line eyeline eye setleftsidesbodyinstantly switchtravelsituationsnapscolorposted imageslightlyactual product dependingshooting environmentcomputermobile phone carrierviewingnote
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