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- monster rod equippedspecshunting monster fish rod huge custom developedtargetrecord class basskindshuge fishpower blankyieldspowergiant fish seeking powersensitivitytorquelightnesspursuescharacteristicssticklimitincreasing versatilitymakingspiral guide systemsupports braid linesstrong settingdouble wrappingcustomizedoverwhelmkindmonsterworldmonster fish huntingmulti piece modeleliminates troublestravelingsupport monster fish hunters huge customhunting rodborncontroldeadly battlemonsterslongercalled hunting bait casting modelrf piecepiecesrf fe piecepiecepieces spinning model hspieces hspieces parts detailsmnst top guideblankpursues tenacious power exhibits amazing torque followrushlarge fishstickiness stopfloathigh torquehigh power blankembodieselementspower rodrequiresettings specializedgiant fish double wrapping double wrappingfixingguidestop guidestrong guide settingpreventsdamagedguide footshowing extreme bending single wrappingadoptedspinning model double foot titanium frame sic guide setting spiral guide setting modeleffectsuppressing power loss duetwisting maximizingsticky blankssuppressing thread entanglementtroubles normal guide setting modelguide diameterincreasedcast lb class leadersstress castabilitysettingemphasizes packingtraveling abroad grip designgrip end design reduces slippageslippingsuddenly lettingrodsuddenly bitingrunningcastingbig luremodelhigh strength high cork grip endbalancer effect duemoderate weightfeelownership multi piece model multi piece modelsdimensionsstoredsuitcaseprevent troublestraveladditiondeps tip coverprotectexternal impactsspinning modellarge guide diametersmall diameter lowrider guidegreatly reducesguide breakage rate bait casting modelrf length piece grip removable action xxx heavy regular fast taper grip length mmweightprice excluding tax jan code release endproduction aprilheavy regular fastflexible tipkillactionlurerealizing overwhelming powerswinghuge ounce class baitamazing torquewide rangecompatibilitysticky blanks supports high dimensionsregular sizesuper heavy weight big bait gamehuge custom flagship modelsuper long castfrog cover games grip designrflong casts adoptslong rear gripprioritizes long distanceholdabilityswinging heavy weightslength action xx heavy regular taper grip length mm balancer wt mm closed dimension mmprice excluding tax jan code releaselong ft inch piece rodmobilebig riverssurfsoverseas fishing tripsrequire long distancesfast taper blankeasycastbeautiful bend curvewouldnexpectpiece rodhookfishhuge buzzbait ii ozhuge pencil oz class oz class big baitsslide swimmercomfortably handledhuge lineagelong mobile rodoverturnsconceptexpedition mobile rod short rodattachingbalancersgrip endadjustfeelingreellengthemphasizes handlingoperabilityblank characteristicssimilaroverseas expeditionsmonster fish hunting overseassituationsforcedmake long castscapture pin spotsshorespoor footingnarrow boatsface metercastability accuracyoperability powerrequiredhigh levelwidely compatiblebig baits frogsbig top water grip design adoptedseparate gripgood handlingversatilityrf length piece removable grip action xx heavy regular fast taper grip length mmheavy modelhandlemeterwateropen water heavy versatileboastscapabilitiesbig plugsgeneralheavyweight soft baitsrubber jigsstickytrained musclesadaptsheavy cover flippingbass grip design adoptedrf fe length piece removable grip action xxx heavy regular fast taper grip length mmproduction april basedrf blankflipping compatible modelmade lightershortergripmaximum powerpunchultra heavy coverhesitationdragbig fishcoversticky blank characteristics showtruesetpe line power flippunching specificationsreduce mishooking dueclose rangetipflip short bites firmly bitesbass grip designflipping exclusive modelrf felightweight high balanced flipping gripeliminatesforegriplength pieces action xx heavy regular taper grip length mm closed dimension mmmobile monster hunting rodrecommendedholdtorqueful taperpirarucu weighingkgft piece versatile rodemphasizes gluetarget fishcm closing sizefitsclass suitcase eliminatesstress causedtravel problemsareagrip foregriprenewedshipmentfallseptember octoberlength piece grip removable action xxx heavy fast taper grip length mmdevelopedfightkg class monsterspapuan bassextremely bad locationsapproachessmallboatstapersupportsoperation plugsbig pencilslarge jerk baitsbig crankswire baitstakesconsiderationaccuracycomplicated bushsuitableclose range bitessudden fightsgiveinitiativeopponentexpedition specificationreduces troublesclosing sizecorrespondsloadingaircraftstricterrecent years grip designlongest grip lengthfoot classtransmit powerlossfacingkg class monsterlength pieces actionheavy regular taper grip length mm closed dimension mmpiece mobile rodjerktwitchexcellent operabilitymanipulate light weight luresminnowspoppersstresshandle big baitslarge spinner baits respondsnarrowedsudden thrustkg class monster fishclass suitcase eliminatingtroublestravel grip designhandle lure actionstwitchinglightweight grip lengthhandle spinning model hspiece spinning rodcomfortably swunglightweight shadsoz classlong casting abilitymakesft inch lengthregular fast taperaggressive hooking stylestorqueful blank performancemonstrous fish floatsmonstrous fishbent curvemakecm closing dimensionadaptedtransportation conditionsregulationschecked baggageexpeditionseasily storedlowrider guides greatly reducesratedamagefrequently occurstravel hspiece spinninghuge specstarget monster fishstrong vigilancecaughtlightweight lurestorqueful blank mobile rodshadminnowdealmonster fishclass suitcasedamage ratefrequently occurtravel eliminating troubles
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- Rods & Reels - Experience the ultimate in fishing with these top-quality rods and reels.
- Item 000638
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- $1000.00
- $899.00
Slow Sinking Swimbait Propeller Fishing Lure 10g 22.5g Jerkbait Crankbait
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Roman Made Mother 300mm 11.8in 300g 10.6oz Abalone Swimbait Unused
- $640.21
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- $575.00
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- $49.99
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- $500.00
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- $500.00
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- $500.00
Rare ABT Lures Wagtail Trout Golden Trout Swimbait
- $500.00
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- $19.99
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- $489.00
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- $450.00
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- $468.00
DRT T KLASH Ghost 8.8oz 13in class Big Swimbait Please choose a color NEW
- $450.00
DRT KLASH Ghost Frenzy Magic Trout Swimbait Glide Bait Fishing Big Lure Japan
- $450.00
DRT TINY KLASH & KLASH 9 Golden Shiner Color Big Swimbait Low Float NEW Japan
- $450.00
Roman Made Mother Initial Color Fishing Big Bait Swimbait From Japan Unused New