Intimidate by standing and catch like an egg. The "Headlock Jig", which features a greatly retracted eye position, short shank, and slim point hook, is a football jig that brings slow bass to bites with its unique standing action and low trajectory bottom bumping. A wide design that prevents sideways movement. The line eye set up behind the football head is a standing action that uses the tip of the head as a fulcrum to move only the trailer endlessly, continuing to invite pin spots with a short travel distance and crawling on the ground. It brings a reaction bite with such a low trajectory bottom bumping. In addition, it boasts a high obstacle avoidance performance that clears roots due to head getting caught, which is common in ripraps and fish reefs, by moving upward instead of forward. The sticky point and short shank hook that pierces like an egg and is hard to come off is highly responsive to tough conditions and short bites. HEAD LOCK JIG HEAD WEIGHT:1/4oz、3/8oz、1/2oz、5/8oz、3/4oz、1oz FINE RUBBER SKIRT: ¥550 (¥500 excluding tax) SILICONE SKIRT: ¥715 (tax excluded ¥650) SILICONE FINE SKIRT: ¥715 (tax excluded ¥650) WIRE GUARD model (SILICONE SKIRT): ¥770 (tax excluded ¥700) 2001 release. HEADLOCK JIG FEATURE With a highly stable wide head and a standing action brought about by a line eye that is offset backwards, even a slight shaking will move the trailer a lot and capture the pin spot in a short distance. The greatly retracted line eye and the water flow resistance received at the front of the head create low trajectory bottom bumping that crawls on the ground, realistically imitating crustaceans that are trying to escape. EYE POSITION Head lock jigs have a greatly retreated eye position that works to escape upwards, achieving a high avoidance rate against rooting caused by head getting caught, which frequently occurs in lock areas such as fish reefs and ripraps. . In a slow pull, the bottom undulations show a standing action, and the crayfish makes a menacing backward movement. CUSTOM HOOK & TRAILER HOLD WIRE The wire diameter that penetrates even with a weak force and the slim point short shank that reduces looseness catches the upper jaw of the bass like an egg. HEAD DESIGN The wide design football head, which is most suitable for bottom contact, maintains a stable bottom posture that prevents it from falling over, and enhances the bottom sediment sensing ability. WIRE GUARD model Equipped with "SPRING WIRE V-SHAPE WEED GUARD" with a wire diameter of 0.35 mm that does not interfere with the original movement of the lure with little water flow resistance, it is a weedless specification that can capture the structure tightly. When using, spread the wire left and right to form a V shape, and adjust the angle back and forth depending on the weed and structure. *Please note that frequent readjustment of the angle of the guard will make it easier to break.

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Additional details
intimidatestandingcatcheggheadlock jigfeaturesgreatly retracted eye position short shankslim point hookfootball jigbrings slow bassbitesunique standing actionlow trajectory bottom bumpingwide designprevents sideways movementline eye setfootball headstanding actiontipheadfulcrummovetrailer endlessly continuinginvite pin spotsshort travel distancecrawlinggroundbringsreaction biteadditionboastshigh obstacle avoidance performanceclears roots duecaughtcommonriprapsfish reefsmoving upwardforwardsticky pointshort shank hookpierceshardhighly responsivetough conditionsshort bites head lock jig head weight oz oz oz oz oz oz fine rubber skirt excluding tax silicone skirt tax excluded silicone fine skirt tax excluded wire guard model silicone skirt tax excluded release headlock jig featurehighly stable wide headstanding action broughtline eyeoffset backwardsslight shakingtrailerlotcapturepin spotshort distancegreatly retracted line eyewater flow resistance receivedfronthead create low trajectory bottom bumpingcrawlsground realistically imitating crustaceansescape eye position head lock jigsgreatly retreated eye positionworksescape upwards achievinghigh avoidance raterooting causedfrequently occurslock areasslow pullbottom undulations showcrayfish makesmenacing backward movement custom hook trailer hold wirewire diameterpenetratesweak forceslim point short shankreduces looseness catchesupper jawbassegg head designwide design football headsuitablebottom contact maintainsstable bottom posturepreventsfallingenhancesbottom sediment sensing ability wire guard model equippedspring wireshape weed guardmminterfereoriginal movementlurewater flow resistanceweedless specificationstructure tightlyspreadwire leftformshapeadjustangle backdependingweedstructurenotefrequent readjustmentangleguardmakeeasierbreak
Jigs - Reel in the big catch with these versatile jigs.
Item 000601
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