Gain Element

Increased Accuracy. If the approach is bad, the result [catch] that can be seen after that will end in a picture, but the result [catch] will be drawn closer to the hand. . Even if you have casting skills, if you don't pay attention to the approach to the pin spot, you can't decide = you can't catch it. Even if the approach is decided, if the lure action is impaired in the productive zone, the result [catch] will not follow. It supports the angler's increased concentration [concentration] with rod performance, and with its delicate operability that fully demonstrates lure performance even at short distances, it brings about results [fishing results]. Element” is a rod that takes anglers to the next level. BAIT CASTING model Flipping element GE-71MHR Moving element GE-610MR Cover game element GE-68MHR Soft jerking element GE-66MH+R SPINNING model Shaking element GES-66MLS Light shaking element GES-65LR PARTS&DETAIL ■ GRIP & REAL SEAT The bait model has a unique shape with a constriction that makes it easy to apply force to the ring finger and little finger, and greatly contributes to castability by making the snap work. In addition, the spinning model has a small grip that fits in the hand and has a high holdability, and both types do not require extra force and respond to delicate operability at a high level. ■ SEPARATE GRIP The separate grip, which greatly contributes to weight reduction, brings light operation feeling and good handling even if you operate it all day. In addition, it has a shape that is easy to palm, with a well-thought-out handle for double hands. ■GUIDE SETTING/BAIT CASTING model The small diameter guide that suppresses unnecessary fluttering of the line and increases the accuracy, and the guide setting that is close to the reel seat give a sense of unity between the rod and the line. The hooking power is transmitted to the hook without any loss, and the bite is surely made. BAIT CASTING model GE-71MHR FLIPPING ELEMENT Length: 7'1” 1 piece Lure Weight: 3/8-2oz Line: 8-25lb Action: Medium Heavy Regular Taper Grip Length: 408mm / Detachable Grip Own weight: about 132g Price: ¥47,300 (¥43,000 without tax) JAN code: 4544565174029 2015.6 release. This rod, which has a short bottom of the reel seat, is so easy to handle that even with a length of 7.1ft, which can never be said to be easy to handle, you will feel as if you have improved your skills. It is a flipping rod with high accuracy that can accurately flip shallow cover with pinpoint jigs of 3/8oz class. In addition, the torqueful power generated from the 7.1ft medium heavy regular taper makes it possible to forcefully pull the bass out of the cover without giving the initiative. The characteristic that makes it easy to handle middle class lures such as Sakamata Shad 8 inch jerk, B custom 5/8 oz and Matsubaz is an element of power games. GE-610MR Moving Element Length: 6'10" 1 piece Lure weight: 1/4 to 3/4oz Line: 8-20lb Action: Medium Regular Taper Grip Length: 403mm / Detachable Grip Own weight: about 126g Price: ¥47,300 (¥43,000 without tax) JAN code: 4544565174012 2014.11 release. A medium action regular taper that allows you to smoothly send wire baits up to 1/2oz, jerk baits, vibrations, etc. It has advanced accuracy performance that can be fed very easily. The operability that can be wound to the hand without losing the lure action even at short distances makes it a versatile model that ripens even with pencil baits and no sinkers. GE-68MHR cover game element COVERGAME ELEMENT Length: 6'8” 1piece Lure Weight: 3/16-1oz Line: 8-20lb Action: Medium Heavy Regular Taper Grip Length: 392mm / Detachable Grip Own weight: about 127g Price: ¥47,300 (¥43,000 without tax) JAN code: 4544565174036 2016.6 release. With the sensitivity that allows you to manipulate the rubber jig as if you were holding it in your hand, you can attack the structure by checking each branch or rock one by one without missing a slight step. Not only that, it is a multi-ball rubber jig exclusive model that enables pinpoint capture with operability of rod action such as twitching in the cover attacking at short distance, and exquisite length that avoids stacking while suppressing movement distance. GE-66MH+R SOFTJERKING ELEMENT Length: 6'6” 1 piece Lure Weight: 3/8-1.5oz Line: 14-25lb Action: Medium Heavy + Regular Taper Grip Length: 403mm/Grip removable Own weight: about 125g Price: ¥47,300 (¥43,000 without tax) JAN code: 4544565174043 2021.5 release. A specialized rod that brings sharp dirt action to soft jerk baits such as cover scat and sakamata shad. Especially in the 10m range, it is necessary to have the characteristics of a rod that can handle a sunken line, and it is realized by the butt power that coexists with flexibility while being medium-heavy, and the tip that has a firmness. In addition, the rod balance that does not weight the tip greatly reduces the load that accumulates on the body, and you can operate the soft jerk bait all day long without losing the feeling of operation. A firm X-HEAVY class tip that allows you to control deep and soft jerkbaits as you wish. SPINNING model GES-66MLS Shaking Element SHAKING ELEMENT Length: 6'6” 1 piece Lure weight: 1/8 to 3/8oz Line: 4-12lb PE Line: No. 0.6 to 1.2 Action: Medium Light Slow Taper Grip Length: 340mm/Grip removable Weight: 105g Price: ¥47,300 (¥43,000 without tax) JAN code: 4544565174050 2021.9 release. A technical rod dedicated to 3.5-7g jig heads specialized for shaking and swimming that handles line slack as desired with a gentle tip return setting. The slow taper design and guide setting enable rolling action in the deep range with a highly difficult PE line, which has not been achieved until now, and you can operate the jig head at a high level. GES-65LR LIGHTSHAKING ELEMENT Length: 6'5”/1 piece Lure Weight: 1/32 to 1/4oz Line: 3-8lb PE Line: 0.5 to 1 Action: Light Regular Taper Grip Length: 314mm/Grip removable Weight: 99g Price: ¥47,300 (¥43,000 without tax) JAN code: 4544565174067 2022.9 release. A technical rod that allows anyone to control the mid-layer rolling action of a lightweight jig head that uses Death Adder and Sakamata Shad 4inch class as a trailer. It has a supple regular taper design that can control slack line slugs well while inputting roll action to the lure by the tension and slackness of the line, and its rhythmic rod work ensures range keeping, which is considered difficult. will give you In addition, this supple blank characteristic makes it stand out with torquefulness that controls the fight of the bass while following the bite without flipping it. This characteristic is highly compatible with I-shaped lures such as cat rigs, down shots, and smelt baits.

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increased accuracyapproachbadresult catchendpicturedrawn closerhandcasting skillsdonpay attentionpin spotdecidecatchdecidedlure actionimpairedproductive zonefollowsupportsanglerincreased concentration concentrationrod performancedelicate operabilityfully demonstrates lure performanceshort distancesbringsresults fishing results elementrodtakes anglerslevel bait casting model flipping element ge mhr moving element ge mr cover game element ge mhr soft jerking element ge mhspinning model shaking element ges mls light shaking element ges lr parts detail grip real seatbait modelunique shapeconstrictionmakeseasyapply forcering fingerfingergreatly contributescastabilitymakingsnap workadditionspinning modelsmall gripfitshigh holdabilitytypesrequire extra forcerespondhigh level separate gripseparate gripweight reduction brings light operation feelinggood handlingoperatedayshapepalmthoughthandledouble hands guide setting bait casting modelsmall diameter guidesuppresses unnecessary flutteringlineincreasesaccuracyguide settingclosereel seat givesenseunityhooking powertransmittedhooklossbitesurely made bait casting model ge mhr flipping element length piece lure weight oz line lb action medium heavy regular taper grip length mm detachable gripweightpricetax jan code releaseshort bottomreel seatlengthftfeelimprovedskillsflipping rodhigh accuracyaccurately flip shallow coverpinpoint jigsoz classtorqueful power generatedft medium heavy regular taper makesforcefully pullbasscovergivinginitiativecharacteristichandle middle class luressakamata shad inch jerkcustom ozmatsubazelementpower games ge mr moving element length piece lure weightoz line lb action medium regular taper grip length mm detachable gripmedium action regular tapersmoothly send wire baitsoz jerk baits vibrationsadvanced accuracy performancefedeasilyoperabilitywoundlosingshort distances makesversatile modelripenspencil baitssinkers ge mhr cover game element covergame element length piece lure weight oz line lb action medium heavy regular taper grip length mm detachable gripsensitivitymanipulaterubber jigholdingattackstructurecheckingbranchrockmissingslight stepmulti ball rubber jig exclusive modelenables pinpoint capturerod actiontwitchingcover attackingshort distanceexquisite lengthavoids stackingsuppressing movement distance ge mhsoftjerking element length piece lure weight oz line lb action medium heavy regular taper grip length mm grip removablespecialized rodbrings sharp dirt actionsoft jerk baitscover scatsakamata shadrangecharacteristicssunken linerealizedbutt powercoexistsflexibilitymedium heavytipfirmnessrod balancetip greatly reducesloadaccumulatesbodysoft jerk baitday longfeelingoperationfirmheavy class tipcontrol deepsoft jerkbaitsspinning model ges mls shaking element shaking element length piece lure weightoz line lb pe lineaction medium light slow taper grip length mm grip removable weighttechnical rod dedicatedjig heads specializedshakingswimminghandles line slackdesiredgentle tip return settingslow taper designguide setting enable rolling actiondeep rangehighly difficult pe lineachievedjig headhigh level ges lr lightshaking element length piece lure weightaction light regular taper grip length mm grip removable weighttechnical rodcontrolmid layer rolling actionlightweight jig headdeath addersakamata shad inch classtrailersupple regular taper designcontrol slack line slugsinputting roll actionluretensionslacknessrhythmic rod work ensures range keepingconsidered difficultgivesupple blank characteristic makesstandtorquefulnesscontrolsfightflippinghighly compatibleshaped lurescat rigsshotssmelt baits
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