Custom Hand Tied Feather Treble Hook
Black Dog BaitsHand tied with premium feathers and minimal tinsel accent for maximum action. Hook models and price will vary. All tails are hand tied in California. Feathers are premium grade and hand selected. Minimal thread weight, premium feathers, correct tinsel length, strand count, and overall craftsmanship ensures tempting and best performing results
1/02/03/0VmcOwner st36
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Additional details
- Keywords
- hand tiedpremium feathersminimal tinsel accentmaximum action hook modelspricevarytailscalifornia featherspremium gradehand selected minimal thread weight premium feathers correct tinsel length strand countcraftsmanship ensures temptingperforming results
- Category
- Lure Accessories - Enhance fishing experience with essential bait accessories.
- Item 000116
- Updated
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