DepsStack, jig.
"Cling head jig" that can be intentionally stacked to the structure and induce a bite by the exquisite positioning of the head shape and side eye.
Even if you can't bring it to the bite, despite the head shape stacking, you can easily dodge many structures, and the next structure will stack it again to induce a bite.
It's a structure strategy that tends to be avoided for fear of getting stuck, but the area where the bus lurks is where it gets stuck. It is a new jig that has been thought out not how to dodge the structure, but how to use it well.
HEAD WEIGHT: 3/16oz, 3/8oz, 1/2oz, 5/8oz
2016.8 release.
Football shape forward low center of gravity head & horizontal line eye
With a football-shaped forward low-center-of-gravity head that prevents it from falling sideways, and a horizontal line eye that prevents the line binding part from slipping and maintains a fixed position, you can draw out action with intentionally stacked branches and rocks to attract bass. increase.
Even if you don't get a bite, you can get up with the tip of the head that is in contact with the structure as a fulcrum to greatly reduce rooting, and move to the next structure to make it possible to capture again. The forward low center of gravity head that shows a vertical fall reduces the movement distance and allows you to capture the structure.
hook & trailer hold wire
The wide gap that can reliably catch the upper jaw of the bus and the short shank allow the trailer to move well and effectively lure the lure in situations where the lure is intentionally stuck.
The trailer hold wire on the lower side contributes to the lower center of gravity of the head by placing the hook on the upper side.
A tuningless guard that is indispensable for structure capture.
The short cut head side generates a tingling tight vibration that attracts bass with a tight length, and it also acts as a resistance to suppress fall speed and movement distance.
In addition, the long skirt on the hook side appeals to the flare that does not keep a fixed shape.
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Additional details
- Keywords
- stack jig cling head jigintentionally stackedstructureinducebiteexquisite positioninghead shapeside eyebringhead shape stackingeasily dodgestructuresstackstructure strategyavoidedfearstuckareabus lurksjigthoughtdodgeclinghead jig head weight oz oz oz oz release football shape forward low centergravity head horizontal line eyefootball shaped forward low centergravity headpreventsfalling sidewayshorizontal line eyeline binding partslippingmaintainsfixed positiondrawactionintentionally stacked branchesrocksattract bass increasedontipheadcontactfulcrumgreatly reduce rootingmovemakecaptureforward low centershowsvertical fall reducesmovement distancestructure hook trailer hold wirewide gapreliably catchupper jawbusshort shanktrailereffectively lureluresituationsintentionally stucktrailer hold wirelower side contributeslower centergravityplacinghookupper side guardtuningless guardindispensablestructure capture skirtshort cut head side generatestingling tight vibrationattracts basstight lengthactsresistancesuppress fall speedadditionlong skirthook side appealsflarefixed shape
- Category
- Jigs - Reel in the big catch with these versatile jigs.
- Item 000597
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