DepsAll to catch big bass.
The blade bait "B Custom Chatter" developed to "catch big bass" pursues clear strong waves, metallic sound, and obstacle avoidance performance, and is an excellent lure that does not break the surface of the water even with quick start-up and fast retrieve. It has excellent range keeping performance.
Size: 3/8oz, 1/2oz
2013.10 release.
The wire eye, which connects with the 0.3mm high hardness thin blade that shows ultra high pitch action, thoroughly verified the swing width that varies depending on the wire diameter, shape, and height, and by providing a straight part instead of a circle, the blade position during swimming is stabilized. succeeded in letting
Irregular movements that occur when the blade swings back and forth are suppressed, allowing for stable swimming and trouble-free winding.
In addition, the stainless steel washer, which makes direct contact with the blade while suppressing the swing width, emits a unique metallic sound that appeals to big bass.
rear center of gravity head
The balance head, which combines range keeping performance and obstacle avoidance performance, is perfect not only for the weed area of big lakes, but also for high-level counter-cover strategies that attack flooded bushes and overhangs in rivers and reservoirs by skipping. Proud.
The flutter skirt made of silicone, which is excellent in water entanglement and durability, is difficult to tear one by one, and by amplifying the water flow resistance, it shows a more stable swimming.
SB30 HOOK #5/0
Uses a thick wide gap hook that considers hooking efficiency and interaction with big bass.
Tilt the tip of the blade backward for a more stable action.
If the angle is too large, the balance will be lost, so please adjust carefully.
Although highly durable stainless steel blades are used, there is a risk of damage due to metal fatigue depending on usage conditions.
*Blade baits vary in action and balance depending on the trailer type and settings used.
B custom chatter is also active in "Rikuo 2013 Round 2" where Kimken won a spectacular victory in the August issue of Lure Magazine! Click here
for the August issue of Lure Magazine Lure Magazine The Movie DX vol.13 Rikuo Season Battle 2013 Spring/Early Summer/DVD is here
The color of the posted image may look slightly different from the actual product depending on the shooting environment and the computer or mobile phone carrier you are viewing . Please note.
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Additional details
- Keywords
- catch big bassblade baitcustom chatter developedcatch big bass pursues clear strong waves metallic soundobstacle avoidance performanceexcellent lurebreaksurfacewaterquick startfast retrieveexcellent range keeping performancecustom chatter size oz oz release body formwire eyeconnectsmm high hardness thin bladeshows ultra high pitch actionverifiedswing widthvaries dependingwire diameter shapeheightprovidingstraight partcircleblade positionswimmingstabilized succeededletting irregular movementsoccurblade swings backsuppressed allowingstable swimmingtrouble free windingadditionstainless steel washermakes direct contactbladesuppressingswing width emitsunique metallic soundappealsbig bass rear centergravity headbalance headcombines range keeping performanceperfectweed areabig lakeshigh level counter cover strategiesattack flooded bushesoverhangsriversreservoirsskipping proud flutter skirt mmflutter skirt madesiliconeexcellentwater entanglementdurabilitydifficulttearamplifyingwater flow resistanceshowsstable swimming sb hookthick wide gap hookconsiders hooking efficiencyinteractionbig bass blade settings tilttipblade backwardstable actionanglelargebalancelostadjust carefullyhighly durable stainless steel bladesriskdamage duemetal fatigue dependingusage conditions matched rig blade baits varyactionbalance dependingtrailer typesettingscustom chatteractiverikuo roundkimken wonspectacular victoryaugust issuelure magazine clicklure magazine lure magazinemovie dx vol rikuo season battle spring early summer dvdcolorposted imageslightlyactual product dependingshooting environmentcomputermobile phone carrierviewingnote
- Category
- Buzzbaits - Attract fish with effective buzzbaits.
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