Price and availability are subject to change.
Sharp and clear operability and perspective are set from the unique standpoint of DRT's absolute field pragmatism.
The ultimate blank that was born to pursue the MAX class in that area, ARTEX blanks, which sealed the soul of Japanese skilled carbon craftsmen with the highest quality pure domestic carbon/low resin material multiple wrapped, medium to high elasticity.
Durability and torque required by big bass seekers are standard equipment. Strong is a matter of course. What was sought after as a custom shop was beyond that.
From the moment you get your hands on the custom rod -ARTEX- made with the attention of the DRT workshop, you will feel something.
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Item NameARTEX Rods
Tackle MakerDRT Division Rebel Tackles
DescriptionSharp and clear operability and perspective are set from the unique standpoint of DRT's absolute field pragmatism.
The ultimate blank that was born to pursue the MAX class in that area, ARTEX blanks, which sealed the soul of Japanese skill...
Keywordssharpclear operabilityperspectivesetunique standpointdrtabsolute field pragmatismultimate blankbornpursuemax classarea artex blankssealedsouljapanese skilled carbon craftsmenhighest quality pure domestic carbon low resin material multiple wrapped mediumhigh elasticity durabilitytorque requiredbig bass seekersstandard equipment strongmattersoughtcustom shopmomenthandscustom rod artex madeattentiondrt workshopfeel
Media Files4
CategoryRods & Reels - Experience the ultimate in fishing with these top-quality rods and reels.
Item ID000020
AddedFebruary 8, 2023
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