Circuit Vib

Go beyond metal with “Circuit Vibe”, which uses a circuit board material with a low specific gravity ultra-thin materials. This allows for greater vibration than standard metal baits. It is a hybrid bait with unique ultra-high pitch sound and great response. 1 / 2oz / 3 / 8oz / 1 / 4oz / 1 / 8oz / 1oz BODY FORM The low center of gravity with the circuit board body produces outstanding swimming and sharp ultra-high pitch action. It also has a stable posture as it falls and the hooks do not tangle as much as they do with similar baits during the lift and fall retrieve. It has a great casting distance, longer than similarly weighted lures, and this makes it excellent for fishing from the shore. LINE EYE The front line eye gives it a tight action and slows the movement when lifting the bait. The rear line tie gives it a wider action and makes it easier to lift. HOOK The bait uses “RYUGI / TC coat hook” double hooks (3 / 8oz / 1 / 2oz: (#7), 1 / 4oz: # 8, 1 / 8oz: (# 10)) that gets short striking bass. The Owner STX58 treble )(#6) is used for the 1oz size. ACTION The high response by the circuit board body eliminates the neutral “pause” and induces a bite with high pitch vibration right away. The falling action is stable due to the low center of gravity and helps to prevent excess snags or tangled hooks. ALL SEASON There is a misperception that these types of lures are only good in colder water temperatures, but they are truly effective all year long. The “Circuit vibe” catches many big bass, but it also catches a wide variety of other species. True tune If the bait is not swimming straight, bend the body in the opposite direction little by little. The eyelet where the snap rubs is another location to inspect. * Excessive adjustment may damage the lure, so please adjust carefully. Also, the hook is sharp and dangerous, so handle with care.
1 / 8oz 1 / 4oz3 / 8oz1 / 2oz1oz

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