B Custom

All to catch big bass. The “B Custom” spinnerbait is a favorite of anglers who are pursuing big bass. The bait has a proven track record that has not faded from when it debuted to the present. This design, which was Deps first lure, has been perfected with actual fishing tests based on the concept of catching big bass and each part of the lure is a result of the testing. Its extraordinary performance has caught many monsters and has established a solid position as a spinnerbait that is indispensable for targeting big bass. It has unparalleled bite triggering ability, operability, durability and castability. The total balance is created from a lure that was originally a search bait. This is why “B Custom” has helped to elevate the Deps brand that has been supported by many anglers for a long time. B CUSTOM 3 / 8oz, 5 / 8oz: SINGLE WILLOW, SINGLE COLORADO DOUBLE WILLOW, TANDEM WILLOW, TANDEM COLORADO 1 / 2oz: DOUBLE WILLOW, TANDEM WILLOW 3 / 4oz, 1oz: SINGLE WILLOW, SINGLE COLORADO DOUBLE WILLOW, TANDEM WILLOW, TANDEM COLORADO ARM FORM & HOOK ANGLE SETTING When a fish is hooked, the arm that forms the line eye and the hook are in a straight line. This gives you better hooking power and the hook will securely hook the upper jaw of big bass, even at long distance. The added wire that keeps the trailer perfectly secure and out of the way of the hook for better hookups, bait deflection and less wear on the arm. The spinnerbait arm is made of a 1.0mm, SUS-301 Hercule wire for strength and flexibility for absorbing strong bites. HEAD DESIGN The front face of the bait allows for maximum water flow resistance and the narrowed down shape gives it a vertical sway for a unique rolling action that changes with the flow of the water. Although it’s slightly different than the 1997-99 version, fishing tests proved that it’s even better than the original head design. HEAD ACTION In water affected by current and complex water flow, there is a unique irregular action in the bait. It has a left-right fluttering and roll action that changes in the water flow. The high track record in Nagarekawa proves that the action that only B Custom has is more realistic than other baits. The head receives the water flow on the front face and is pushed up by the resistance, but it is pushed forward again due to the springback characteristics of the arm. The continuous repetition of this and the combined action by the vibration of the blade create the unique action unique to B Custom. TRAILER HOLD WIRE & Ex. SHARP CUSTOM HOOK A trailer hold wire prevents the trailer from tearing and secures it without slipping.The unique hook connection penetrates the lower arm inside the head also suppresses the rattling of the head due over time. The hook is a super-sharp custom-made narrow vent hook. QUICK RESPONSE of CUSTOM BLADE The custom blade, which boasts an amazingly quick response, stands up instantly without interruption during curve falls, freefalls, and retrieves. It continues to attract bass no mater how you retrieve it. The B Custom gets bites in any condition, demonstrates excellent performance for lift and fall and slow-roll techniques. UPPER ARM DETAIL The position of the front blade in the double and tandem models is a proven setup with fixed beads. By eliminating the pipe spacers that hinder vibration, we are seeking sharper vibrations, and we have achieved stable casts that reduce backlashes and increase distance. In addition, the large hollow beads provided reduce grass around the bearing, but also emit a fine vibration sound. 1 / 2oz FEATURE ■ 1 / 2oz TIN HEAD The 1 / 2oz head, which is a remake of the 5 / 8oz head with low-density tin material, creates a wider vibration while keeping the water flowing around the head. The vertical swaying action produced by the head, which is lighter and still receives the same water flow resistance as 5 / 8oz, sets it apart from the conventional model. Crystal red eyes are attached to all colors of the 1 / 2oz model. ■ BLADE SETTING The lineup of double willow and tandem willow blades can handle any situation. The front blade is a #3.5 and the rear blade is a #4. This gives it the best balance of casting distance, vibration, and flash. It casts great and has tons of flash. ■ LONG ARM FORM The arm for the 1/2oz head, which has been made lighter with a low-density tin material, works great with low to high speed retrieves. It is a special design with a long length for both the upper and lower arm. It transmits the vibration of the blade to the head at any retrieve speed and gives it a wider action. The gold beads make it easy to identify the 5/8oz version. BLADE SETTING ■ SINGLE WILLOW A tight vibration that suppresses the fluttering of the hook. The single willow is great for shallow machine gun casts and fishing around dense grass. It rises quickly and starts to spin right away with little resistance, so you can make your next cast as soon as possible. ■ DOUBLE WILLOW The natural baitfish-like double willow has a tight vibration. It’s a versatile combo that can be used anywhere and in any situation. It works for all big bass in both clear water to stained and muddy areas. ■ TANDEM WILLOW The unique blade position of the tandem willow gives this bai a strong vibration. It works great in muddy water or when you want the flash of the double willow, but more vibration. ■ SINGLE COLORADO Perfect for the slow-rolling method, the rugged and simple design has plenty of vibration. It’s great for cold water situations and also in the summer when fishing for suspended bass. This single Colorado is almost always behind the amazing fishing results from Okumura when he visits Lake Biwa in the middle of winter. ■ TANDEM COLORADO The blade combination with the highest retrieve resistance is best for dead slow rolls in the shallow to medium range, instead of deep water. It has a slow and powerful appearance and works great for lethargic fish or when fishing muddy water. * 1 / 2oz does not have “SINGLE WILLOW / SINGLE COLORADO / TANDEM COLORADO” option. Due to the structure of the wire bait, if the fish is pulled out or hung, or if it is repeatedly deformed or modified, the arm will be lbe damaged, deformed, or broken. The posted images of colors may look slightly different from the actual product depending on your phone or computer.
3 / 8oz, 5 / 8oz1 / 2oz3 / 4oz, 1oz

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catch big basscustom spinnerbaitfavoriteanglerspursuing big bassbaitproven track recordfadeddebutedpresentdesigndepslureperfectedactual fishing tests basedconceptcatching big basspartresulttestingextraordinary performancecaughtmonstersestablishedsolid positionspinnerbaitindispensabletargeting big bassunparalleled bite triggering ability operability durabilitycastabilitytotal balancecreatedoriginallysearch baitcustomhelpedelevatedeps brandsupportedlong timecustom oz oz single willow single colorado double willow tandem willow tandem colorado oz double willow tandem willow oz oz single willow single colorado double willow tandem willow tandem colorado arm form hook angle settingfishhookedarmformsline eyehookstraight linehooking powersecurely hookupper jawbig basslong distanceadded wiretrailer perfectly securehookups bait deflectionwearspinnerbait armmademm sus hercule wirestrengthflexibilityabsorbing strong bites head designfront facemaximum water flow resistancenarrowedshapevertical swayunique rolling actionflowwaterslightlyversion fishing tests provedoriginal head design head actionwater affectedcurrentcomplex water flowunique irregular actionleftflutteringroll actionwater flowhigh track recordnagarekawa provesactionrealisticbaitshead receivespushedresistancepushed forwardduespringback characteristicscontinuous repetitioncombined actionvibrationblade createunique action uniquecustom trailer hold wiresharp custom hooktrailer hold wire preventstrailertearingsecuresslippingunique hook connection penetrateslower arm insideheadsuppressesrattlinghead duetimesuper sharp custom made narrow vent hook quick responsecustom bladeboastsamazingly quick response standsinstantlyinterruptioncurve falls freefallsretrievescontinuesattract bassmaterretrievebitescondition demonstrates excellent performanceliftfallslow roll techniques upper arm detailpositionfront bladedoubletandem modelsproven setupfixed beadseliminatingpipe spacershinder vibrationseeking sharper vibrationsachieved stable castsreduce backlashesincrease distanceadditionlarge hollow beads provided reduce grassbearingemitfine vibration sound oz feature oz tin headoz headremakelow density tin material createswider vibrationkeepingwater flowingvertical swaying action producedlighterreceiveswater flow resistanceoz setsconventional model crystal red eyesattachedcolorsoz model blade settinglineupdouble willowtandem willow bladeshandlesituationrear bladebalancecasting distance vibrationflashcasts greattonsflash long arm formmade lighterlow density tin material works greatlowhigh speed retrievesspecial designlong lengthupperlower armtransmitsbladeretrieve speedwider actiongold beads makeeasyidentifyoz version blade setting single willowtight vibrationsingle willowgreatshallow machine gun castsfishingdense grassrises quicklystartsspinmakecastnatural baitfishversatile comboworksclear waterstainedmuddy areas tandem willowunique blade positiontandem willowbaistrong vibrationworks greatmuddy watervibration single colorado perfectslow rolling methodruggedsimple designplentycold water situationssummersuspended basssingle coloradoamazing fishing resultsokumuravisits lake biwamiddlewinter tandem coloradoblade combinationhighest retrieve resistancedead slow rollsshallowmedium rangedeep waterslowpowerful appearancelethargic fishfishing muddy water ozsingle willow single colorado tandem colorado option duestructurewire baitpulledhungrepeatedly deformedmodifiedlbe damaged deformedbrokenposted imagesactual product dependingphonecomputer
Spinnerbaits - Reel in the big catch with top-quality spinnerbaits.
Item 000511
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