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New concept of 5 connections + bubble tail
What I wanted from THROB was a dynamic high-pitch action, a splash full of life from the bubble tail, and a sense of stability that supported dead sticking and ultra-high speed retrieve. It will be to correspond to a high dimension in every situation.
THROB was born for anglers to bring out the potential of lures. Please take THROB as a playful proposal from Roman Maid, where you can face playful fish with a lure .
Important point:
Handle with care as the tip of the needle is sharp and dangerous.
When using the product, make sure there are no people around and ensure safety.
Please do not use it for purposes other than fishing.
Please keep out of reach of children.
Avoid storing in hot and humid places. It may cause deformation or cracks.
Remodeling may damage the body, peel off the paint, and reduce the function and strength of the original action and lure.
Color Options
Flash Carp
Digit Bus
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Item NameThrob
Tackle MakerRoman Made
DescriptionNew concept of 5 connections + bubble tail
What I wanted from THROB was a dynamic high-pitch action, a splash full of life from the bubble tail, and a sense of stability that supported dead sticking and ultra-high speed retrieve. It will b...
Keywordsconceptconnections bubble tailwantedthrobdynamic high pitch actionsplash fulllifebubble tailsensestabilitysupported dead stickingultra high speed retrievecorrespondhigh dimensionsituation throbbornanglersbringpotentialluresplayful proposalroman maidface playful fishlure important point handlecaretipneedlesharpdangerousproduct makepeopleensure safetypurposesfishingreachchildren avoid storinghothumid placesdeformationcracks remodelingdamagebody peelpaintreducefunctionstrengthoriginal actionlure
Media Files6
CategorySwimbaits - Get realistic swimbaits for better fishing.
Item ID000394
AddedFebruary 15, 2023
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