Roman Trick

Roman Made
The floating lure of 18.5cm and about 65g �@ Various devices are concealed in this lure as shown in the name. Front lip, Joint corner, Joint system from which movement fines by retrieve speed, sound of peculiar collaboration to wood, Tail that twines easily with water, Vibration in straight line. To capture the monster bass, we pursued movement with a sense of existence voluminous of the medium bait fish not a high pitch, straight movement like the small bait fish. As a result, movement not to pack two or more possibilities in the lure but to shake the instinct of the bass was expressed with this lure. Many tests were done, and a lot of fish reacted to this movement. How To Use – DEAD STICKING The lure waveringly drifts voluntarily with three ream collaboration and the reception desk lip by the wave of the surface of the water, the change in the water current, the wind, and the line tension, etc. It becomes an action that this irritates showing it to the bass more natural, and it connects at bite chance. – SLOW RETRIEVE A wide-open bait fish in the vicinity of the surface of the water is produced by movement that the lure meanders right and left. The fish is drawn because of the sound in a peculiar joint part to the wood. – FAST RETRIEVE It becomes a design through water intensely by beginning retrieve, and the movement fines at the same time as entering in water. Tricky movement of the sound of joint, the vibration of the body, and the tail is produced.
Romantic LiplessRomantic 65g185mm

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    Roman Trick by Roman Made - Swimbaits on